All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 43 of 43 in total

012 - Setting Goals as a Youth Ministry Volunteer for 2023

Episode 12 | Join us as we talk about Setting Goals as a Youth Ministry Volunteer for 2023. We’ll talk through how to evaluate 2022 and think through a few practical i...

011 - Christmas Spectacular - Staying Connected to Teenagers During the Holidays

Episode 11 | Join us on our Christmas Spectacular with the whole teams PLUS a new special guest. In this episode we discuss how to stay connected with teenagers during...

010 - What You Can Do to Encourage Parents

Episode 10 | Join Chris Trent & Tim Kilgore as they discuss What You Can Do to Encourage Parents. In this episode we share ideas on how youth ministry volunteers can n...

009 - Setting the Example for Teenagers Through Participation

Episode 9 | Join Chris Trent & Billy Christol as they discuss ways to Setting the Example for Teenagers Through Participation. In this episode we share 5 quick ideas o...

008 - Current Trends Impacting Teenagers in the Fall of 2022

Episode 8 | Join Chris Trent and Todd Jones as they discuss Current Trends Impacting Teenagers in the Fall of 2022. In this episode we talk about current trends youth ...

007 - How to Prepare Well to Teach a Bible Study Lesson

Episode 7 | Join Chris Trent, Tim Kilgore, & special guest Andy Blanks as they discuss ways to Prepare Well to Teach a Bible Study Lesson. In this episode we talk abou...

006 - How to Take Prayer Requests Without it Taking Too Long

Taking prayer requests is often part of youth ministry small group meetings, but if you're not careful, your Bible Study time can turn in to one big prayer request ses...

005 - Part 2 How to Share the Gospel with Your Students

Join Chris Trent, Billy Christol (not the comedian), & special guest Shane Pruitt as they discuss ways to share the Gospel with your students. In part 2 of this 2 part...

004 - Part 1 How to Share the Gospel with Your Students

Join Chris Trent, Billy Christol (not the comedian), & special guest Shane Pruitt as they discuss ways to share the Gospel with your students. In part 1 of this 2 part...

003 - Creative Outing Ideas for Your Students

Being present each week for the teenagers you volunteer with is important, but we know that small groups and Sunday school classes that get together outside of group t...

002 - How to Follow Up with a Student Who Has Stopped Coming

It’s hard not to take it personal when students stop coming to youth group or small group. However, it doesn’t take serving in youth ministry very long to learn that t...

001 - Myths About Being a Great Youth Ministry Volunteer

When we think about working with teenagers, there’s all kinds of things that come to mind when thinking about whether or not we’re really qualified. Let’s face it, non...

000 - The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers Kick Off Episode

The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers | There are a lot of great youth ministry podcasts out there, but not many focus only on volunteers. The Youth Ministry Podca...

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