019 - How to Support Your Youth Pastor
Episode 19 | How to Support Your Youth Pastor. Being the leader of a youth group can be challenging. Join us in episode 19 as we talk about ways you can be an encouragement to your youth pastor, or whoever leads your youth group.
The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers | There are a lot of great youth ministry podcasts out there, but not many focus only on volunteers. The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers is all about providing great content to help volunteers who work with teenagers. Each episode is short and to the point on topics about how to best impact teenagers with the gospel. Each episode will be hosted by several youth ministry vets that have been working with teenagers for over 30 years. If you love working with teenagers, you're going to love this podcast!
Discussion Questions:
As a reminder, our 6 Ideas on How to Support Your Youth Pastor
1. Pray, Pray, Pray
2. Do your best to not just point out failures, but celebrate success… show them respect
3. Choose to be one of their biggest fans! Have their back. (Not saying follow them blindly) *** This includes being a recruiter for your youth ministry
4. Help them get stuff done… admin, clean up, etc
5. Respect their boundaries… days off, work hours, etc…
6. Bless them in tangible ways when possible…
- Volunteer to watch their kids for free so they can have a date night (more than, let me know if you ever need anything)
- Drop them a thank you note with a gift card
- Drop them a note without a gift card
- Celebrate them publicly, including social media
What are some ways you and the other volunteers could bless your youth pastor?
What are some ways you’re seeing God work through your youth pastor?
You can reach Chris & the team at https://gabaptist.org/nextgen
We would LOVE to hear from you! Email us at YouthMinistryPodcast@GaBaptist.org to share show ideas or give us feedback.