Episode 38 | Growing an Effective Girls Ministry from the Ground Up
In this episode, Chris and Jennifer are joined by Angela Sanders to discuss girls ministry. They talk about the importance of girls ministry and why churches should consider having a separate ministry for girls. They also provide tips for volunteers who are interested in starting a girls ministry in their church. In this conversation, Angela Sanders shares insights on how to effectively run a girls ministry. She emphasizes the importance of assessing the specific needs of the girls in your context and avoiding a cookie-cutter approach. Angela also provides practical steps for starting and maintaining a successful girls ministry.
You can find Angela’s book here: https://www.angelasanderswrites.com/shop
00:00 Introduction
02:13 Excitement about Girls Ministry
06:31 Why Churches Should Consider Girls Ministry
07:17 Tips for Starting Girls Ministry as a Volunteer
19:16 Avoiding Fluff in Girls Ministry
21:24 Preparing Girls for the Future
23:52 Teaching Girls to Turn to Scripture
25:35 Creating an Intentional Environment
27:05 Including Girls in Leadership
28:27 Making Incremental Changes
29:19 Bringing Girls on the Team
30:18 Adding and Evaluating Ministry Elements
31:30 Starting Small and Casting Vision
32:12 Finding the Book and Connecting on Social Media
33:46 Joining the Student Ministry Network Facebook Group
34:13 Preview of Next Episode: Ministering to Kids with Uninvolved Parents
The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers | There are a lot of great youth ministry podcasts out there, but not many focus only on volunteers. The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers is all about providing great content to help volunteers who work with teenagers. Each episode is short and to the point on topics about how to best impact teenagers with the gospel. Each episode will be hosted by several youth ministry vets that have been working with teenagers for over 30 years. If you love working with teenagers, you're going to love this podcast!
You can reach Chris & the team at studentministrynetwork.com
We would LOVE to hear from you! Email us at YouthMinistryPodcast@GaBaptist.org to share show ideas or give us feedback.