035 - Why are Teenagers So Anxious and What Can We Do to Help
Episode 35 | Why are Teenagers So Anxious and What Can We Do to Help - In this episode, we dive into an important topic: anxiety in teenagers. We explore the rising prevalence of anxiety among teens, particularly post-pandemic, where one in three teenagers is affected. We also discuss how anxiety doesn't discriminate by gender, impacting both boys and girls. We also address the challenge of recognizing anxiety in teenagers and distinguishing it from typical teenage stressors.
The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers | There are a lot of great youth ministry podcasts out there, but not many focus only on volunteers. The Youth Ministry Podcast for Volunteers is all about providing great content to help volunteers who work with teenagers. Each episode is short and to the point on topics about how to best impact teenagers with the gospel. Each episode will be hosted by several youth ministry vets that have been working with teenagers for over 30 years. If you love working with teenagers, you're going to love this podcast!
You can reach Chris & the team at studentministrynetwork.com
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